Performing arts

Over the past fifteen years, I have acted in four musicals, nine straight plays, and two short films, one of which I also co-wrote and directed. I also play the piano recreationally, and in the past played the clarinet in concert bands and sung in classical choral groups.

See a gallery of the productions I have acted in.

I co-wrote, directed, and acted in the short film "24: Avery House", a pastiche of the television series 24.

My Erdős–Bacon number is 7.

I was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article about my involvement in Shakespeare at Caltech. (external link)

Celestial bodies named after me

The asteroid 18702 Sadowski is named after me. The IAU allows asteroids to be named by their discoverers, but projects like LINEAR have discovered many hundreds of thousands of new asteroids, so they've resorted to naming them after finalists in the Intel ISEF and related competitions.

You can also see a photograph that a Flickr user posted of the asteroid; it's a faint smear near the bottom left of the image.

Silly things

The Giant Blinking "A", a project I was involved in at Caltech

Some wise words from the Latin philosopher "Rem"

Last updated March 4, 2018