24: Avery House - DVD Info


See the DVD teaser trailer! (WMV, 11.1 MB)

See the cinematic DVD trailer! (WMV, 20.0 MB)

The DVD was released in January 2010 and is now available. The DVD contains the following special features:

The DVD comes packaged in a full-sized DVD keep case with full cover and label art.

Obtaining the DVD

There are currently three ways to get the DVD.

I would appreciate, but do not require, a small donation to reimburse me for the cost of physical materials (media, labels, and case). The suggested donation is $2. Note that I do not profit in any way from the film itself, the donation is for materials only. The postage charge if you are using option 3 is an additional $2.25 for domestic shipping.

To order, send me an email or Facebook message. You know where to find me.

Number produced so far: 44

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Updated 25 May 2013